Friday, July 23, 2010

Nana's Here

My mom made the leap, paid the high middle of the summer over priced ticket and is in Germany. We tried surprising the kids with her arrival, planning to meet at the Backeri and she was to sneak up behind us and surprise the kids! Eyan was the first to notice her and his reaction was "Hi, Nana" he then turned around and kept shopping. Naomi on the other hand let out a shout for joy and locked her into an embrace. The little boys were both excited, but didn't really have a clue. Anyway, I am excited that she's here.
On the agenda: Hang out, go to the lake, Black Forest, more hanging out, Gutenberg Press, and a Cruise down the Rhine. Hopefully all will be accomplished, but if it's not I'm enjoying her company and I know the kids are too.
