Thursday, December 31, 2009
Massive Eruption
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
An Unhappy Reindeer
Last week Eyan's class had a special party for a Kindergarten class. They did a dance and craft for them, Eyan was a reindeer. Here is a class picture before the party.
If you can't spot Eyan he is the very small unhappy kid in the back row. When I asked about his expression, he had no answer. He does say that he likes school.... couldn't guess by this pictrure that's for sure.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Rain Sleet or Snow

One thing I have begun to appreciate about the German culture is that they are outside rain or shine. I think the American Post office Slogan "Rain Sleet or Snow" came from here. They walk dogs and walk the trails, they walk to the Bakery, they walk all over town. Even little babies all bundled up going for a ride in a stroller in December! It is so nice to see that life goes on in the winter and you don't have to sit inside and wait for spring. From what the locals have told us this is a very warm winter so far. (Maybe for them!)
We piled on our own layers and went on a trail walk. It was nice to be outside, and I know the kids definitely could use some running around! And as you can see in the picture it's very green still. This is a winter crop and helps keep things not feeling so dull.
Monday, December 14, 2009
It Snowed
Saturday Eyan sat by the back door on a pillow with my iPhone checking the weather about every 3 minutes and looking outside. "Mom, I'm checking to see when it gets cold enough to snow!". It never did snow on Saturday, but there was excitement in the air just at the thought that it could snow. I was surprised when Naomi and Eyan were both so excited about snow. We lived in Colorado! Then Naomi reminded me that it only snowed in El Paso once and she didn't remember the snow in Colorado. Sad, but true.
Sunday morning Martin and I woke up to the kids practically screaming "IT SNOWED!!!!" and yes it did. There wasn't a whole lot, but that didn't matter. The kids were thrilled. They begged to go out immediately. That wasn't happening! It wasn't even 7am. By 8 they were reared up to go and played outside the entire morning. Toben didn't last so long, but he helped in the kitchen and danced to music, and was mostly content to be inside and watch everyone else.
At noon we ate lunch and had a short nap. The three older kiddos bundled up and played outside with each other and also with our neighbors. When it was almost dark I served Hot Chocolate and Gingersnaps, by 5:30 they were done and it was completely dark. We had a nice bowl of soup and finished the evening around the table doing homework.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Midevil Christmas Market
Down the Autoban just a short distance there are many beautiful Castle ruins. This particular day we drove about 30 minutes to a Castle and a mid evil Christmas market. It was cloudy and wet, but that doesn't stop anyone here from venturing out and having a good time.
This little duo to the left had a stash of musical instruments and played through out the day. The gesture also told little riddles and jokes. He must have been funny because the crowd was laughing.
It is a little difficult to order food when you can't read the menu, but we fallowed our noses and were not disappointed. One of the first places that we tried was a bread that was toasted over coals and then butter and Cinnamon coated it. I think the best way to describe it would be a hallow Cinnamon roll. Yummm
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