I'm not much of a feel sorry for you kind of person, or a have to fit into what everyone else is doing. BUT, there are always exceptions. Here we stick out like a sore thumb. Without any effort. So call it caving.... Naomi and Eyan wanted a Backpack like the kids at school. That's understandable isn't it. It's a small thing that we can do to make this an easier transition for them. A quality German Backpack, is that all they need!?!
If I were to say that it comes at a cost that would be an understatement! Let's just say on the night that these children are moving out they will proudly have in hand a quality German Backpack. And they someday will hand down this amazingly durable Backpack that they got in Germany when they were young.
WOW the backpacks are big too! Maybe the kids could smuggle Toben to school with them.
Those are some cool backpacks!
omg...naomi and eyan are getting so big...maybe one day they will grow right into those quality German backpacks!
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