Travel Time 44 hours 33 minutes

6:06 out of bed 7:00 final bag check, with all toiletries 7:15 good bye with our neighbors in front of the house 8:17 leaving Mehlingen driving to Ramstein to catch our flight 9:12 checking into airport 9 bags to check 3 carry ons 10:11 walk around PX while we wait for our flight 11:27 stand in line for security and say good bye to Martin for a few weeks 12:57 play games while waiting to board 2:20 take off 3:11 Silus barfs 4 movies. dinner. nap. breakfast. another barf. we land in Baltimore about 5:30 wait for bags. go through customs. put all bags through xray scan and back onto one of three carts 6:30 wonder around airport waiting for a shuttle to take us to hotel 7:10 check into hotle 7:30 take kids swimming 8:45 baths and room service 9:30 into bed 3:30 awake 3:50 up getting ready for the day 6:00 down for breakfast 6:45 business center and check email and send out msg 8:20 call to have bags taken to the shuttle 9:20 check in 11:45 boarding flight to Denver, barf 3:37 in Colorado wander around airport. bathroom. lunch. waiting 4:20 flight to Colorado Springs 5:06 landed and family is waiting 5:39 drive to Pueblo

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