Saturday, November 7, 2009


Naomi has surpassed any and all of my expectations in the learning department. Knows more German words than I can count and has very good pronunciation. For school here the kids eat breakfast at school at about 9. So, I did what any mother would do and we pack a snack. According to Naomi " all the other kids are eating breakfast and there I am eating GOLDFISH! It just feels so weird". Ok ok fine, she'll eat two breakfasts.

Eyan is enjoying his own room now. He keeps his room very orderly and loves setting up his Playmobile. It works out nice because Toben is still in the smash everything up stage so this gives Eyan a safe place to keep his stuff. He is also drawing a lot and writing with his special pen. It is close to a calligraphy pen, but that's what the kids use to write with in school.

Silus is enjoying school. He goes has a small group (class) and really likes his teacher. The 4th of November, we all went to his school and had our very first Lantern festival. Free pretzel's and some singing, but best of all was the little lantern that each child carries. Silus has also been drawing a lot at the table and loves the color black.

Toben! Man this kid has a set of lungs on him! He can reach a pitch that is literally ear piercing! The other night we went to the PX and Toben wanted to get out of the cart, which I was not about to let happen. He screamed so loud and his face turned so red that I thought he was going to pass out. He didn't, but it sure was embarrassing.

1 comment:

stella g. said...

um, you had me at "free pretzels"

(ha! my word verification was "inest" which i thought was cool until i just typed it and realized it was one letter away from incest. hm.)
