Friday, July 23, 2010

Nana's Here

My mom made the leap, paid the high middle of the summer over priced ticket and is in Germany. We tried surprising the kids with her arrival, planning to meet at the Backeri and she was to sneak up behind us and surprise the kids! Eyan was the first to notice her and his reaction was "Hi, Nana" he then turned around and kept shopping. Naomi on the other hand let out a shout for joy and locked her into an embrace. The little boys were both excited, but didn't really have a clue. Anyway, I am excited that she's here.
On the agenda: Hang out, go to the lake, Black Forest, more hanging out, Gutenberg Press, and a Cruise down the Rhine. Hopefully all will be accomplished, but if it's not I'm enjoying her company and I know the kids are too.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


When Martin returned from Poland we planned a BBQ and I got his favorite, Hamburgers! He decided to man the grill and this is what we got! (He did change a diaper mid-grill, but I don't think there was hope for us anyway) Thankfully I had some chicken on hand and I grilled it, and haven't let him near the grill since.

Friday, July 9, 2010


In January Naomi's whole class learned to crochet from her teacher Frau Tulinski. She had a easy way of teaching them and they practiced about every week. The final project that was graded was a stuffed mouse. Naomi choose a multi-colored yarn and for her finishing touches she added google eyes, bows and pompom for a nose. Pretty cute. She got an A+ on this project.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer to do list:

    (In no particular order)

  • Find summer reading program
  • Make a summer challenge for the kids
    Flash cards (multiplication and word)
  • Go swimming as often as we can
  • Have a summer party
  • Clean out basement and get winter coats into storage bins
  • Finish backyard
  • Go to the Black Forest, Luxembourg, Worms
  • Visit the Gutenberg Museum
  • Get Dino Park Pass
  • Set up kids tent by the lake and have a pic nick
  • Have fun!
  • Paint another part of the house
  • Rearrange kids bed rooms
  • Make Jam
  • Finish quilt challenge
  • Get school supplies
  • Put all the dates and things to do onto the calender

Friday, July 2, 2010

School's Out

I can hardly believe that this school year is over! A HUGE congratulations to the kids for their perseverance and determination! They have exceeded our every expectation and are all speaking German with ease! Not only speaking but excelling! They can count, sing songs and hold a conversation. We need to do something to reward them for all their work! Any Ideas?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Outdoor Pool

We found an outdoor pool that is awesome! It's only 5 minutes from our house and a few Euro for the whole family to swim. There's a great baby pool, large pool with a huge slide, sand pit, play ground, and volley ball court. One of the most favored areas for the older kids has to be the high dive. There is a 1 meter, 3 meter and 5 meter jump. Silus has done the 1 meter, Naomi and Eyan have both done the 3 meter and Eyan and Martin have done the 5 meter jump! Toben and I like to watch from the sidelines and cheer everyone on.
In the picture Eyan is preparing to jump off the 3 meter dive
